Igniting the Fire in Children with Rights Education:

We Stand Together by Luke (gr 5)
Rise, Ignite, Go, Hope, Teamwork, Say = Learn
Rise up;
Ignite our fire;
Go change the world;
Help those we can ;
Teamwork together to change the world;
Say what we need to change the world.
This was created by Luke (Maria Montessori Academy, Victoria, Canada) 5 weeks after he was introduced to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. He clearly was empowered by his knowledge of rights, and is making a clear statement that he wants to change the world.
Rise, Ignite, Go, Hope, Teamwork, Say = Learn
Rise up;
Ignite our fire;
Go change the world;
Help those we can ;
Teamwork together to change the world;
Say what we need to change the world.
This was created by Luke (Maria Montessori Academy, Victoria, Canada) 5 weeks after he was introduced to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. He clearly was empowered by his knowledge of rights, and is making a clear statement that he wants to change the world.
Haiku Poems on Rights:

These poems were created by children in a grade 4-6 class in Maria Montessori Academy, Victoria, Canada.
Children need water
They walk many miles for it!
Let's build a good well.
We need healthy food
Children around the world starve!
Let's change the system.
Children need to play
Stop child labour! It is bad
Factories exploit.
Children need water
They walk many miles for it!
Let's build a good well.
We need healthy food
Children around the world starve!
Let's change the system.
Children need to play
Stop child labour! It is bad
Factories exploit.